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The Added Significance of National Pizza Day This Year … “The Silent War Continues”


Oscars? The Significance of National Pizza Day This Year … “The Silent War Continues”

by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

Syndicating our Sunday show on #EATruthRadio where Dan Hennen discusses the latest Truthful & Conservative, UNDERGROUND NEWS!!! Watch VIDEO Below:

It is widely known that PIZZAGATE IS REAL. The Majority of Hollywood Celebrities, Producers, Directors as well as Elite Politicians and Bankers are involved in it; including The Pope & many more prominent figures have been EXPOSED by Anons around The Globe.

FBI released files depicting “Boy Lover” symbols and such. One of the disturbing findings was that “Cheese Pizza” is a Child Porn Slang Term used by Pedophiles to describe a “Little Girl”. This has been PROVEN. Not to mention Comet Ping Pong, where they have sex orgies with children in the basement and God only knows what else. The restaurant owner has been convicted and arrested for Sex Crimes in the past, and the BELOW VIDEO (at the end of it) shows a Draq Queen talking about liking little boys in a disturbing manner. This video was believed to have been FILMED AT COMET PING PONG:


John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager in 2016. Wikileaks emails reveal a butt-load of evidence of crimes against children and humanity, including the MURDER OF DNC STAFFER, SETH RICH who is believed to be the one that leaked the emails to Wikileaks. That’s right. it WAS NOT A HACK! IT WAS A DEMOCRAT INSIDER!

This sounds like John Podesta’s voice in the 1st part of the video above, not to mention the Police Sketch from when this girl in the image went missing in the past looks striking similar to both John Podesta and his brother, Tony Podesta, who were both in town aprox. 2 miles from the location she went missing!

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John & Tony both have disturbing images & artwork portrayed in their homes including JEFFEREY DAHMER type sculptures and more …

Left: a VICTIM of Jeffrey Dahmer after KILLED & Decapitated / Right: Tony Podesta & his very DISTURBING artwork … coincidence? I think NOT!
PHOTO CREDIT: pinterest.com / More Disturbing Podesta Artwork
Posted on James Alefantis’ Instagram, The Owner of COMET PING PONG Pizza Restaurant

You just can’t make this sh*t up, folks and there is SO MUCH MORE WE’VE UNCOVERED! Take a look around our site! THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK!

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