America, Hear This Cry! “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:19
Pro Life vs. Pro Abortion: You Can’t Be Both

by Morris Wambua | Staff Writer | Eternal Affairs Media
The debate concerning abortion rights has been an issue of great concern for the American people since the days of Roe v. Wade. The discourse has been anchored upon the imperatives of morality, political correctness, and religious faith, among a myriad of other conceptions and worldviews espoused in the American social construct. Many people have contributed to the discourse, and all manner of opinions have been expressed by people across the socio- political divide in America and abroad. I have seen and heard people arguing for positions that do not suggest they really stand for any position on the abortion debate. How is it possible to remain neutral concerning an issue like abortion, which is literally a matter of life, and death? Yes, I said it, it’s a matter of life and death and that’s why the battle line must be clearly drawn. I do not wish to sound politically correct, and I am not really interested in fattening the egos of abortion apologists, men and women who were never aborted, but are keen on institutionalizing murder.
America, Hear This Cry! “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:19
Abortion is murder only that it has been clothed in several sweet- sounding terms and smeared with a mixture of intellectualism, and emotional sentiments to make it appealing to a generation that celebrates confusion. A generation that keeps shouting “I identify as,” must have problems with God’s order, and will for mankind. It is a generation that loves everything God hates. It is a lost generation, busy dancing into damnation, a people on their way to hell – smiling. There is a cry in Zion. The cry of a Father yearning for a nation that once had reverence for human life but lost focus trying to sound civilized and sophisticated. Hear this cry, America! I choose to believe in the sanctity of life, and I brazenly affirm the pro-life ideology. I choose to believe that no human being is a biological mistake – that even those conceived in the most chaotic circumstances are still within God’s plan. If you pick a pen, and a notebook, you will write names of at least five people you know that were born in the most inconveniencing circumstances. King David should not miss on that list, a man conceived in sin, yet so mighty that thousands of years later, we are still talking about him. An eternal excellence, and the joy of many generations. A number of times, God loves wearing the face of calamity when coming to show His attributes to mankind. He would allow the sea to rage so that He can come and calm it for the glory of His name.
America, Hear This Cry! “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:19
Well, I respect women, and I have deep admiration for their love, patience, and enormous capacity. Anytime God wants to launch a great persons from the frequencies of eternity into the physical realm, He chooses a woman and places a baby in her womb. The woman lovingly endures the difficulties that pregnancies brings, and survives the excruciating labor pains to birth a child, who God would use to accomplish his purposes on the earth. If you are still in doubt, consider Jesus. He was stuck in heaven until God traced the Virgin Mary, and used to initiate the plan to redeem mankind. Therefore, the perspective that abortion is murder does not constitute an offensive against women’s rights as leftists would presume. Instead, it is a reaffirmation of the sanctity of human life, and the preservation of a generation. The reason somebody that was never aborted would wish death to another, on the blind premise that after all, it is just a mere fetus still baffles me. A fetus may not have grown to have all organs, but is inherently human! In retrospect, anyone who initiates an abortion process lays the icy hand of death on a human being, who would probably grow into the next big thing among men. As I am writing this, my eye are wet with tears. I am weeping for my generation, and asking for mercy. If you are reading this message, help me take this cry to my beloved American people. It is the cry of the murdered babies whose destinies got wasted even before they started. It is the cry of a God who wants to see His people walking in His precepts. It is the cry many who are tired of seeing evil reigning unopposed. You may have started feeling a conviction in your spirit. If you are that person, let us pray!