Welcome – About Us

Who Is Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli & (EA) Eternal Affairs TRUTH Media?

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God. ~ Isaiah 40:3


This was ‘partially’ updated on (08/08/2020) and (12/30/21).

Biselliano’s Eternal Affairs Media ™ – The truth powered by The Truth has a long story behind every name set herein. God is The Ultimate Truth that controls this website/organization/ministry which was originally started as a “simple” survivalist website spreading “the truth” of the unsettling “truths” that face us in the coming months and years around the globe however especially in America (in which we believe to be the End Time Babylon).

More Truth: Nobody knows the time nor hour of the Lord’s return/ 2nd coming … don’t be deceived by false prophets. Even though I have grown to have prophetic abilities I don’t claim the Title of Prophet. I am “simply” a “humbled” Ambassador for Christ Yeshua that has recently become very broken by the Holy Spirit. If you want to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, now may be the time to accept Him into your life. GOD IS GOOD!

Eternal Affairs Media ™ was established in 2010 ultimately by a higher power we choose to call God, Christ Yeshua! We are the Watchmen on The Wall waiting for the soon, returning Jesus Christ. Eternal Affairs Media ™ is an umbrella for several Holy Spirit filled media outlets including this one (slogan: “The truth powered by The Truth”) and also a Clean, Family-friendly entertainment and inspiration / Good news = The Clean Version, The marketing and pr for these websites is ultimately controlled by God, not man “unlike the rest of the world” … Founder of Manifest Your Dreams Publicity (2009)/ End Times Public Relations (2022), Curtis Ray Bizelli handed over his business to The Lord. May HIS ultimate will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.


Special Note/Disclaimer about content on this website:

We speak truth here, Negative & Positive. You will find a lot of controversial topics that are heart wrenching. Don’t be alarmed – instead, Be Aware & Prepared! An important truth we MUST include in our mission here is “Do Not Fear Man” – Put God in the Center and Everything Will Come Together.

It says in His Holy Text over 300 times, “Thou Shalt Not Fear” … pickup a Bible today and begin reading, even if its just one passage. You don’t have to make a commitment but at least DO SOMETHING! Make a Difference!

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

God Speed in truth,

Eternal Affairs Media ™

P.S. Please Bookmark and Subscribe For Free! There will be A Lot of great, phenomenal content to enter the pages of this website over the coming months, years and prayerfully decades!!! God’s Blessings over this site, YOU The Visitor, and All The Content set herein.
– Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media ™

Press Pass:

curtis ray bizelli press id / press pass - cfapa.org
registered w/ cfapa.org

President Trump sent me a personal letter:

letter to Curtis Ray Bizelli from Mr. President Donald J Trump
Letter from Mr. President Donald J Trump to CEO & Publisher, Curtis Ray Bizelli

I’m really an Independent Conservative Libertarian However I Believe TRUMP IS AN ‘OUTSIDER CHOSEN BY GOD’ so I joined The Republican National Committee Presidential Advisory Board.

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