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STRANGE JULY: Was the Yellowstone Explosion a Key to a Prophetic Warning?


A prophecy from June 14, 2014 shared on Facebook … imagine what other bizarre things we may see during this last week of a truly ‘Strange July.’

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Do Miracles Still Happen Today? Pastor Carl Gallups Shares His Incredible Experiences


Don’t see the miracles happening all around you now? … get ready, because God is about to pour out many into your life … TUNE IN HERE TODAY!

Why People Literally DIE Because of a Lack of Knowledge, Like The Bible Says So


How It Relates to Actually Being Healthy and Literally Dying!! PLUS Over 16+ Natural Health Tips To Keep From Perishing … Read More Here …

He Took A Bullet For Us …

Donald Trump walking to Marine One

Whether you like him or not, it is with absolute certainty that Donald Trump is a courageous, strong and unrelenting leader. Read More …

BIBLICAL … “The Shot Heard Around The World” … What The Enemy Meant For Harm!!!


BREAKING: President Donald John Trump had his ear grazed with a bullet as gunfire erupted at his Pennsylvania Rally today …

Reviving VALUES In VALLEYS OF DEATH … Speak To Our World’s Dry Bones


The moment Jesus called, “Lazarus, come forth”, death yielded in submission. We need Him to speak through us to dry bones in our political,…

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This Prophecy Will Speak To Your Spirit


Pastor Mike Signorelli is sharing the latest prophetic word of what God has placed on his heart for what’s coming from July through January!

Beware The Coming of ORACLE: Threat Both Worldly & Spiritual in Nature


The rise of a dark Antichrist of Computing and transhumanism, a viable biodigital Antichrist, and an army of lesser helper antichrists …

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The Importance of God’s Word & Does He Still Speak Today?


“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” ~ John 10:27 … God is always relevant – the same yesterday, today, and forever!

What Is The Purpose of a 1st Amendment Audit?


The act of filming police interactions and conducting 1st Amendment audits serves a vital purpose in ensuring the preservation of individual rights

The Bible: A Source of Hope and Guidance Through Unprecedented Times


Through the stories and parables shared in the Bible, we find guidance and inspiration. The stories of individuals facing adversity and overcoming …

Are We In The LAST DAYS? … Carter Conlon Video Sermon


Are We Experiencing Biblical End Times Events? … You will recognize his voice from this FAMOUS END TIMES SERMON … Listen Here!

Pro Life vs. Pro Abortion: You Can’t Be Both

The Wider Image: New mother on migrant caravan hopes Trump's heart softens

The discourse has been anchored upon the imperatives of morality, political correctness, and religious faith, among a myriad …

What Is Homesteading and Prepping? Why Should You Start Doing It Now …


All About Organic Food, Canning, Homesteading and Prepping … Living off-grid gives you independence … Read More Here …

Watch The ReAwaken America Tour Documentary FREE Today


This is The Great Awakening … NOT The Great Reset! If you haven’t heard of Clay Clark or The ReAwaken America Tour, well, you’re living under a rock …

The Shocking Truth About The Statue of Liberty – Stroll Through History


BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there are some discrepancies between the official narrative and the disturbing theories behind its true meaning …

Do We Have Reliable Prophetic Voices In Our Day & Time? Who Do We Believe?


… do not speak from the realm of the mortals, their voices echo from the secret place, and are projected across the lands with an angelic backing

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) and Hacking Your DNA: Paving The Journey Toward Transhumanism


How Implantable Devices Will Connect Your Body to the Internet … Not even babies will be able to escape this nightmare … Read more!

The Serious Danger Presented by ‘DeepFakes’ – Exclusive Expose’


Be vigilant and research before hitting the share button … Remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen … Read More …

“TRUMP: The King Is Coming Back” … Robin Bullock Prophecy Update


I didn’t say it, but it’s written … I urge you to read Isaiah 40-45 as well as 2 Samuel 15! … If you pay close attention to this whole sermon …

Ronald Reagan Speaks From The Grave: Happy Fourth of July !!!


This Independence Day video features a powerful message by President Ronald Reagan. (Godtube)

WHISTLEBLOWER: Secret Service Agent Was Stationed on The Roof Trump Attempted Assassin Shot From, Neglected Post Due To Heat


Cheatle argued that the building’s roof was sloped at its highest point and they considered it a safety factor for the agent … Read More!!

Rising Evangelist Lafonda, Youtuber, Joins EA Truth Radio


It was an honor and pleasure to Host, Evangelist Lafonda on EA Truth Radio, Thurs., July 18, 2024! You can visit her on Youtube! Listen Here!!