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Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Get Ready for an Explosion of the Miraculous’


Things seemed silent for the people of God

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Get Ready for an Explosion of the Miraculous’

Andrew Towe with Charisma Magazine writes:

IMAGE VIA cnduk.org

I heard the Lord say, “Get ready for long-forgotten prayers to be answered suddenly. I have not forgotten the desires of your heart. Although it looks impossible, I am the God of the impossible. There is nothing too hard for Me. Get ready to experience an explosion of the miraculous!”

While getting ready to preach a series of prophetic messages the Lord has given me for the Christmas season, I started reading the book of Luke. As I read the account of Zacharias and Elisabeth, my spirit began to leap.

“And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years,” (Luke 1:6-7).

The Bible describes them as “righteous and blameless,” but they had no child. It was considered a reproach to be barren. We have to consider the time in which this account was recorded. Not only were they barren, but It had been 800 years since the last ministry of miracles through the ministry of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. Five hundred years since the Hebrew boys were delivered in the fiery furnace. There had not been an appearance of an angel recorded, nor had God spoken in at least 400 years since the writing of Malachi.

Things seemed silent for the people of God. They continued studying, living for God, and celebrating what He had done in the past for His people. Suddenly out of nowhere, God arrives on the scene, and there is an explosion of the miraculous. It is as if an alarm clock sounded and God’s Word was being fulfilled.

Read More at Charisma Magazine!

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