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Big Bad Google Clamping Down On Conservative Right Wing Content


Big Bad Google Clamping Down On Conservative Right Wing Content

By Kurt Nimmo | The Activist Post


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Faced with fines in Europe, Google will enforce four new steps to identify “terrorist-related content” on its YouTube subsidiary.

“We are working with government, law enforcement and civil society groups to tackle the problem of violent extremism online. There should be no place for terrorist content on our services,” writes Kent Walker, general counsel for Google.

Terrorism is an attack on open societies, and addressing the threat posed by violence and hate is a critical challenge for us all. Google and YouTube are committed to being part of the solution. We are working with government, law enforcement and civil society groups to tackle the problem of violent extremism online. There should be no place for terrorist content on our services.

Walker says Google has “developed partnerships with expert groups, counter-extremism agencies, and the other technology companies to help inform and strengthen our efforts.”


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Who are these expert groups and counter-extremism agencies? The Pew Research Center, the Anti Defamation League, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. In March, Google said they are “reputable sources that can be used for reputation research.”

The SPLC considers the “radical right” extremist. It also considers Donald Trump a lightning rod for xenophobia and racism. “Trump’s run for office electrified the radical right, which saw in him a champion of the idea that America is fundamentally a white man’s country,” Mark Potok wrote in February.

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