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Prophecy Fulfilled: Netanyahu Wins Israeli Election in a Landslide


Benjamin Netanyahu will once again be Israel’s prime minister

Prophecy Fulfilled: Netanyahu Wins Israeli Election in a Landslide


Finally, an Israel election with a definitive outcome. As the few remaining votes continue to be counted today, it is clear that Benjamin Netanyahu will once again be Israel’s prime minister.

As the count stands now, Netanyahu’s coalition will receive 65 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, marking the first time in the past five elections that there is an outright victor. Netanyahu’s Likud party will be in coalition with two ultraorthodox parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, as well as the surging Religious Zionism party.

On the other side, the election was a resounding defeat for center-left Prime Minister Yair Lapid as well as his hard-left coalition partners, who together look set to hold only 50 seats.

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