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China Opens Police Stations in 30 Countries to Monitor and Control Chinese Citizens


and yes, they are setting them up right in the USA

China Opens Police Stations in 30 Countries to Monitor and Control Chinese Citizens

Rhoda Wilson with The Expose reports:

IMAGE VIA theguardian.com

On 12 September, Safeguard Defenders published a report titled 110 Overseas: Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild’. The report states that 30 Chinese surveillance stations were established in 25 cities across 21 countries at the start of 2022. Safeguard Defenders have, so far, identified a further 24. Europe is home to most of these Chinese overseas police service stations.

Safeguard Defenders is a human rights non-profit organisation based in Spain which was founded in late 2016. The latest Safeguard Defenders’ report is the result of an investigation into the Chinese police’s expanding global policing “toolkit” following the release of new data from the Chinese government.

The surveillance stations are under the jurisdiction of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau in Fujian Province, which falls under the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. The Overseas Police Service Stations run by the Fuzhou County (Fujian Province) Public Security Bureau call themselves “110 Overseas service stations”, referring to the Chinese police emergency number, 110.

[and yes, they are setting them up right in the USA]

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