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The Nation of Israel is at War … End Times?


The video footage is out there: Islamic men raping women, stomping on bodies, firing on crowds, and kidnapping children

The Nation of Israel is at War … End Times?

Trumpet Hour reports:

IMAGE VIA timesofisrael.com

The nation of Israel is at war! Just as Israelis were wrapping up the eight-day festival of Sukkot on Saturday, Hamas terrorists began firing rockets at the Jewish state. This Iran-backed attack has killed at least 1,200 Israelis, and the death toll is still rising. The Israeli government formally declared war against Hamas on Sunday.

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After an initial phase in which the Western media reported the horrifying facts, the spin is now in motion. The media is portraying Israel as partially responsible for its grandmothers being murdered on social media, its young women being kidnapped and raped, and its everyday citizens being mowed down by gunmen who flee at the sight of a soldier and smile demonically at the sight of a Jewish family walking down the street.

The video footage is out there: Islamic men raping women, stomping on bodies, firing on crowds, and kidnapping children. But as Israel strikes back in limited ways, often with advance warnings, the media is portraying the residents of Gaza—many of whom are complicit or used as human shields—as the victims of Israeli aggression.

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