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Even Bigger Than Asbury: A Powerful Move of God of ‘Biblical Proportions’ Is Unfolding Right Now


Only 11.7% of the country identifies as Christian. Right now, in Guinea Bissau, Islam is making a strong push for religious and cultural dominance, but at the same time, God is moving powerfully.

Even Bigger Than Asbury: A Powerful Move of God of ‘Biblical Proportions’ Is Unfolding Right Now

David Hoffman with CBN reports

IMAGE VIA cbn.com

In February 2023, the Asbury Revival made breaking news. It lasted close to two and a half weeks and had an estimated 50,000-70,000 people in attendance. Now something incredible and extraordinary is happening in another part of the world too. It far exceeds what occurred in Asbury and it could be argued that it is a move of God that borders on “Biblical proportions.”

This move of God is taking place in Guinea Bissau. Guinea Bissau is a northwest African country with a population of 2 million people. Somewhere near 70% of the population is Muslim, and in recent years, Islam has been gaining more and more ground. Only 11.7% of the country identifies as Christian. Right now, in Guinea Bissau, Islam is making a strong push for religious and cultural dominance, but at the same time, God is moving powerfully.

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