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Sean Feucht Facing Undeserved Curses For Being Relentless About The Good News


Feucht — no stranger to hecklers — responded with firm graciousness, calling upon the crowd to drown out the call for death with prayers for life

Sean Feucht Facing Undeserved Curses For Being Relentless About The Good News

Rich Swingle with IFA Pray reports: 

IMAGE VIA religionnews.com

Lord, protect Your servants from curses: An undeserved curse has no effect (Prov. 26:2 TLB).

“I’m satan, and I’m going to kill you!”

The ill-kept man hurled this curse at Sean Feucht as the worship leader called upon the crowd in Times Square to dream and pray New York would become a state honoring and supporting life. Feucht — no stranger to hecklers — responded with firm graciousness, calling upon the crowd to drown out the call for death with prayers for life.

The man, who had pushed his way up to the edge of the area marked out for the “Let Us Worship” band, was in the minority on Monday, July 3, as thousands gathered to worship together.  I was only a couple feet away from him, however, and I immediately began binding and gagging the cursing spirit. The man did stop speaking after the crowd responded to Feucht’s call for prayer, but he remained in place, making a vulgar hand gesture when he wasn’t slashing another finger across his throat in a threat.

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