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Confirmed: COVID Vaccination Destroying Immune Systems, Killing Hundreds of Thousands, Causing Serious Health Issues


Confidential Pfizer Docs & Official Gov. Reports confirm Covid-19 Vaccination is destroying Immune Systems, killing Hundreds of Thousands & causing Infertility, Stillbirths & Cancer

Confirmed: COVID Vaccination Destroying Immune Systems, Killing Hundreds of Thousands, Causing Serious Health Issues

The Expose reports:

IMAGE VIA wxow.com

In 2020, your freedoms and liberties were taken away because of an alleged pandemic. You were then told that the answer to regaining those freedoms and liberties was to take an experimental injection that had not yet finished clinical trials.

Your Government lied to you about the severity of the alleged Covid-19 virus and put policies in place that ensured tens of thousands of the elderly and vulnerable suffered an untimely and unnecessary death. They then used propaganda and lies to convince you they had died of Covid-19 so that they could justify the Draconian measures they had enforced to turn your country into a totalitarian state.

The lies and propaganda then continued so that they could coerce millions to take an experimental gene therapy that they insisted was safe and effective with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to back it up. They even went as far as to insist it was completely safe for pregnant women to get vaccinated when not a single study had been carried out to confirm this was the case.

Now, almost two years later, we have a wealth of evidence that not only proves your Government was lying to you with the help of the mainstream media, but also proves they have caused untold devastation with the decisions they made.

Because confidential Pfizer documents and official Government reports prove that Covid-19 vaccination is destroying immune systems, greatly increasing the risk of death, killing hundreds of thousands on a weekly basis, and causing infertility, stillbirths, cancer and a whole host of further devastation and disease.

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