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BREAKING: I Warned Fedbook This Would Be Their Demise … But They Took The Bait Anyway


I Warned Fedbook This Would Be Their Demise … But They Took The Bait Anyway

by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

We all know that Facebook’s Leftist-Bias is prevalent, but honestly, this still shocked me! I left them BAIT and THEY TOOK IT PROVING MY POINT EXACTLY! SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE!

IMAGE via thegunwriter.com

This proves the Double Standard and Hypocrisy of the Left so evidently in one post.

I warned them it would be their demise, so don’t make me a liar! Share this everywhere, Patriots!

Here’s the story:

Anybody that knows me, knows that I’m NOT racist, however I do have a HUGE problem with the Double Standard placed on anyone that is NOT OF COLOR.

I refreshed my Facebook timeline very early this morning, and the 1st post that popped up was from a white FB friend (color provided solely for the sake of the story). It was a post about failed President Obama; nothing really special about the post. I wasn’t even going to like because honestly, it was quite cheesy, but that’s when I noticed the 1st comment made by a Man of Color and my blood immediately began to boil, cause I immediately saw the apparent Double Standard, and I saw this opportunity to prove a point, which ended up working out quite well.

This black man said “Get Over Your Jealousy Redneck!”

See, somehow people of color can get away with calling whites = “crackers”, “rednecks” and a slew of other racist names, but as soon as you dare call them a racist name like “nigger” (was even censored out might I add you, cause I don’t like saying that), but this guy was asking for it. Why can they get away with hate speech but a white person can’t get away with it?

Screenshot - 8_28_2019 , 2_01_57 AM redneck nigger hate speech lets see who is the one that gets put in fb jail censored

THIS is the Double Standard of the Left & the Hypocrisy and Leftist-bias of FEDBOOK!

I don’t care who I piss off on this one, because I was called to stand up for what I believe in and not back down and NOT SUGAR COAT THE TRUTH. This huge societal problem needs to be dealt with, and I don’t only speak on truthful matters that you are “comfortable” with but ALL OF THEM!

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