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Bigger Than Watergate: Biggest Threat To The President

Vice President Dinner, National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC,

Bigger Than Watergate: Biggest Threat To The President

Brought to you by “Great American Pac” Courtesy of EA Media:

Vice President Dinner, National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC,
President-elect Donald Trump Vice President Dinner, National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC, USA – 18 Jan 2017 (Rex Features via AP Images)


The biggest threat facing President Trump isn’t North Korea or ISIS. It’s Washington, D.C.

Lois Lerner and the IRS destroyed two years of evidence.

Hillary destroyed 33,000 emails.

Now, the FBI has “lost” over five months of text messages between anti-Trump officials in the bureau, from December 2016 to May 17th, 2017… The very day Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel.

But Nixon only destroyed 18 minutes of tape.

Who do you stand with? The President or The Swamp?


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