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BREAKING: Veterans Can Choose Their Own Doctor With Bill Just Passed

Screenshot - 4_19_2017 , 7_28_59 PM pres donald trump signs bill veterans choice of doctor

BREAKING: Veterans Can Choose Their Own Doctor With Bill Just Passed

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Remarks by President Trump at Signing of S. 544, The Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act

The veterans have poured out their sweat and blood and tears for this country for so long, and it’s time that they’re recognized, and it’s time that we now take care of them, and take care of them properly.

That’s why I’m pleased today to sign into law the Veterans Choice Program Improvement Act.  So this is called the Choice Program Improvement Act.  It speaks for itself.  This bill will extend and improve the Veterans Choice Program so that more veterans can see the doctor of their choice — you got it?  The doctor of their choice — and don’t have to wait and travel long distances for VA care.  Some people have to travel five hours, eight hours, and they’ll have to do it on a weekly basis, and even worse than that.  It’s not going to happen anymore.

This new law is a good start, but there is still much work to do.  We will fight each and every day to deliver the long-awaited reforms our veterans deserve, and to protect those who have so courageously protected each and every one of us.

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