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Conservative Triggered by Article, “Self Defense Weapons That Don’t Go BANG”


Conservative Triggered by Article, “Self Defense Weapons That Don’t Go BANG”

by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

I’m engraged for some ODD reason while reading this. Here’s WHY:

It reminded me of a time I was in Music City – Nashville, TN with my business partner scouting talent and the security at a tiny bar on Broadway (can’t remember the name – WISH I COULD), wouldn’t allow me into the establishment due to having pepper spray on me.

It was visible in my pocket.

This is America? NO. It’s a POLICE STATE!

I have a right to carry a damn firearm if I wish, so what’s the problem with pepper spray.

The text that reads,“and you can carry them with you into any store or business in America.” within the below article is what triggered me.

The problem is the PROPAGANDA established around sh*t like this that causes this sh*t to happen.

I WISH I KNEW THE NAME OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. It was on Broadway in Music City – Nashville, TN.

I told him exactly what I thought but he still wouldn’t let me in. I had it clipped in my pocket so it was slightly visible. That’s how he knew. Regardless though, I bet there could have been at that very moment people in the club with GUNS and KNIVES or even a woman with Mace in her Purse! What’s the difference?

He singled me out.

Arm yourself! and SHARE this Nonsense! Here’s the article. A GREAT article we can learn from. My experience as just a “memory”. Thanks for reading.

Read The Article “7 Highly Effective Self Defense Weapons That Don’t Go BANG” … !!!

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