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Neighbor Reveals What Alicia Navarro Did Just One Day Before Reappearance


Alicia Navarro Argued With Unidentified Man, Threatened To ‘Go Back’ Just One Day Before Reappearance at Police Station: Neighbor

Neighbor Reveals What Alicia Navarro Did Just One Day Before Reappearance

Tony Gray with Resist The Mainstream reports: 

IMAGE VIA breaking911.com

Alicia Navarro, the 18-year-old girl who turned herself in to a Montana police station last week reportedly argued with a man she was living with the day before.

Navarro was reported missing by her family four years ago when she left her Glendale, Arizona, home just before her 15th birthday, according to a report from The New York Post.

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The young girl, whom authorities described as high-functioning on the autism spectrum in an earlier missing person report, was living in an apartment in Havre, Montana, the report noted.

It’s unclear how long Navarro lived in the Havre apartment, but a neighbor said she and a man in his 20s have lived there at least since he moved in about a year ago.

“I was here the other day and I heard them yelling,” neighbor Garrett Smith, 22, told The Post. “She did say, ‘I will go back.’ But that’s all I heard.”

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