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BREAKING: Sen. John Fetterman’s Office Provides Health Update After Fetterman Discharged From D.C. Hospital


Fetterman discharged from hospital after tests rule out stroke, seizures

BREAKING: Sen. John Fetterman’s Office Provides Health Update After Fetterman Discharged From D.C. Hospital

A spokesperson for Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman said that tests ruled out both a stroke and seizure

Chad Pergram with FOX News reports:

IMAGE VIA nypost.com

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Penn., was released from George Washington University Hospital on Friday after being hospitalized on Wednesday.

Fetterman was taken to the hospital on Wednesday after feeling lightheaded while attending a Democratic retreat in Washington, D.C.

Joe Calvello, a spokesperson for Fetterman, said on Friday that tests ruled out a stroke and seizures.

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