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Human Trafficking & Border Crisis Update w/ Veterans on Patrol ~ EA Truth Radio


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Veterans on Patrol (Followup)

Contact Butterfly with Veterans on Patrol to HELP TODAY

IMAGE VIA fbi.gov

In an eye-opening episode of EA Truth Radio, we’re joined by Butterfly, a fierce advocate from Veterans on Patrol, who brings to light the critical situation at our borders. Discover the harsh realities of child trafficking and learn how even the smallest actions can contribute to the safety and well-being of countless children. This is more than just a call for awareness—it’s a call to action. Tune in to understand the gravity of the crisis and see how you can be part of the solution. Your involvement could change lives. Listen now and join the fight against child trafficking.

Our Host, Andrew “Andy” Shecktor conducted this interview with Butterfly of (VOP) Veterans on Patrol & Walking For The Forgotten Ministries, on April 29, 2024!

Thank you for tuning in & showing your support!

Our Hosts’ viewpoints don’t always reflect what EA TRUTH Media believes as a whole!

IMAGE VIA theborderchronicle.com

🗣️ Quotes from Butterfly

“God does the work. We show up.”

“Our border is a major place of child trafficking, and we need to get down there and stand in the way of the child traffickers.”

“Coming into America is something that can be done responsibly and correctly.”

“We need people who are happy to knock on doors in their own towns and cities.”

“Every child has come through everything that’s gone on. I put my phone on video.”

“I was working with border patrol for quite a while. They knew who I was, and I respected what they did.”

“The border is now in your neighborhood. It’s in your streets.”

“This is a call out, um, from veterans on patrol and walking for the forgotten ministries, from myself, Butterfly. We need to get involved.”

“What’s going to go with you is what did you do?”

“He created you, broke the mold when he made you.”

READ THIS  Saturday Show: ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Down The Rabbit Hole w/ The Holy Spirit - EA Truth Radio

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Contact Butterfly with Veterans on Patrol to HELP TODAY:

IMAGE VIA hcn.org

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