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Palestinian Terror Groups Exploit Social Media to Recruit Minors

Tik Tok media App Illustration

Although the trend of Palestinian terror groups using social media to recruit minors is not new, its current form and scope are taking on a new dimension

Palestinian Terror Groups Exploit Social Media to Recruit Minors

Tik Tok media App Illustration
(Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)

The Israel Defense Forces has monitored efforts by the local Lions’ Den terror group, based in Shechem (Nablus), to recruit youths with no previous organizational affiliation by exposing them to incitement to violence, an IDF source told the Tazpit Press Service.

The group has skillfully used platforms like TikTok to encourage youths to arm themselves and join the group.

“Social media networks are used for two goals. One is for recruitment— minors are told to meet terror operatives, to join such and such activity— and the second is for incitement. Jews and Israelis are described as evil Zionist occupiers and youths are encouraged to turn to violence,” said the source.

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