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Pentagon Orders Military To Put Male Soldiers In Female Showers

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Biden Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies in the Military

Pentagon Orders Military To Put Male Soldiers In Female Showers

Elaine Donnelly with Constitutional Rights PAC reports:

woke military branches - flags
A study assessing the needs of LGBT veterans in the Bay Area making the transition to civilian life will take place at the USC military center. (Photo/Marilyn Nieves/istock)

The nation is worried about serious national security threats, including Chinese spy aircraft, but the U.S. Department of Defense seems pre-occupied with misplaced priorities. “Woke” policies are taking leftist ideologies to extremes with enforced compliance, even if it hurts the institution.

Since January 2021, Defense Department officials have expanded woke transgender mandates in significant ways. A comprehensive policy analysis titled Biden Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies in the Military,” summarized here, compares Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin directives to the 2016 transgender policies of Barack Obama and Ashton Carter.

As in the Obama years, the Biden/Austin policy fully embraces the idea that individuals can change their “sex assigned at birth to a different gender role.” Department of Defense Instruction 1300.28, updated on Dec. 20, 2022, has changed the official vocabulary of this pseudo-science, using the phrase “self-identified gender” instead of “preferred gender” throughout.

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