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Big Pharma Fraud: 94% of Medical Interventions Lacking Evidence They Even Work


FAKE medicine: Over 90% of all medical interventions lack evidence to support their use

Big Pharma Fraud: 94% of Medical Interventions Lacking Evidence They Even Work

Lance D. Johnson with NewsTarget reports:

IMAGE VIA hanhaa.com

A new meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology finds that there is NO high-quality evidence to support MOST modern healthcare interventions and pharmaceutical drugs used in hospitals today.

According to the findings of this analysis, almost every single aspect of the medical system is a racket, a fraud. It’s not just the inhumane Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) protocols and the so-called vaccines that have failed the world. Almost every single pharmaceutical intervention approved since 2008 carries more risk than benefit. Up to 94% of medical interventions lack evidence to support their use.
Meta-analysis finds 94% of medical interventions are lacking evidence to support their use.

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