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COVID Concentration Camps Now Activated In America, Roundups To Begin Soon


“White House officially announces vaccine ‘strike forces’ that will go door-to-door, targeting anti-vaxxers in their homes, forcing Americans to take KILL SHOTS.”

COVID Concentration Camps Now Activated In America, Roundups To Begin Soon

Health Ranger reports:


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Democrats in Washington State are now pushing a bill, WAC 246-100, which would authorize “health officers” (Democrat vaccine Gestapo) to kidnap anyone at gunpoint and throw them into covid concentration camps which have already been activated. The people targeted under this tyrannical rule need not show any signs of sickness or infection to be ripped from their homes and families.

You may recall that White House spokesperson Psaki openly spoke about “strike force” operations in July of 2021. We covered it in an article entitled, “White House officially announces vaccine ‘strike forces’ that will go door-to-door, targeting anti-vaxxers in their homes, forcing Americans to take KILL SHOTS.”

Just four months ago, Washington State’s government confirmed they were taking covid concentration camps active by issuing public job listings for “strike team” coordinators. Natural News covered this story on September 20, 2021, with a headline: CONFIRMED: Gov. Inslee setting up covid concentration camps in Washington state, issuing job listings for “strike team” coordinators.

We learned in that story how “quarantine strike team” coordinators were needed to staff up Washington’s covid concentration camps which were in the process of being activated. Now those concentration camps have been activated, and they’re ready to start processing anti-vaxxers, who will of course be exterminated in the death camps.

This is happening now.

Check Out More Here!

Infowars also reports in the below video about Biden’s War Against Americans

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