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Trump Prevents Illegal Immigrants From Counting In The Electoral College


Trump Prevents Illegal Immigrants From Counting In The Electoral College

Grace Saldana with FreedomWire reports:

Illegal immigrants are just that – illegal. They are not citizens, and therefore they should not vote or be counted for representation in the United States government.

IMAGE VIA foxnews.com

First and foremost, this is only fair to tax-paying citizens who legally reside in this country and have the right to participate in our political systems. Trump’s latest move to enforce this idea undoubtedly throws a wrench into future elections of Democrats, who depend on the votes and representation of illegal immigrants to hold onto power.

On Tuesday, President Trump signed a memorandum that eliminates illegal immigrants’ eligibility to be counted in the next round of congressional redistricting. This means that when the US is re-zoned for House seats by population following the 2020 census, undocumented immigrants will not be counted.

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