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Mom’s Boyfriend Shoots Man Undressing In 12 Year Old Girl’s Bedroom

Screenshot - 4_18_2019 , 6_05_06 PM pedophile man in 12 year old bedroom undressing the blaze - moms boyfriend armed - wlky

12 year-old wakes up to find strange man undressing in her room — but her parents were armed
This could have been much much worse

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LIVE BREAKING: Veteran Group Gets Kicked Out of Greyhound Bus Station, Denied Service


WELCOME TO ETERNAL AFFAIRS MEDIA … Our Website Is BEST Viewed on Computer … Thank You For Visiting Us!!! Please SHARE THE TRUTH!!! UPDATED: Veteran Group Gets Kicked Out of Greyhound Bus Station, Denied Service […]

Mainstream Media Doubles Down on Trump Conspiracies


Mainstream media coverage of the Russia-collusion story has been dead wrong for two years, yet the effort to smear President Trump continues