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Border Patrol Agents Speak Out Against Homeland Security Secretary’s So-Called “Plan” …


Biden Blurs the Boundaries of Border Crisis

Border Patrol Agents Speak Out Against Homeland Security Secretary’s So-Called “Plan” …

Tony Perkins with Family Research Council reports:

IMAGE VIA usatoday.com

“We have plans,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said irritably when he was pressed about the border disaster. “We are executing on those plans.” That’s news to our teams on the U.S.-Mexico line. If you ask local border patrol, like reporter Carine Hajjar did, [Joe Biden’s strategy] (if he has one) is a joke. One agent, who was loading up a group of migrants to process, actually laughed when he was asked if the administration had a plan to deal with the nightmare they’re all living. “Not that they’ve told us,” he said.

Most agents don’t bother hiding their frustration anymore. “This is the worst I’ve ever seen it…” another told Hajjar. “This administration doesn’t care.” Even Barack Obama, they agreed, “had some idea that there’s a law-enforcement element to this — but these people just don’t care at all.” And the deadly fallout of that reality is everywhere — from the teenage girls being sold into sex trafficking by the cartels to the bodies of our own national guardsmen being pulled from rivers they should have never had to cross.

Read More at Family Research Council!

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