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Aussie Welfare Recipients Only Access to Funds is Cashless Debit Card + Purchasing Restrictions


Aussie Welfare Recipients Only Access to Funds is Cashless Debit Card + Purchasing Restrictions – No Gambling, No Tobacco, No Alcohol

Social Credit Score & Mark of The Beast Right Around The Corner

Robert Wheeler of Activist Post reports:

The social credit system [and Mark of The Beast] took yet another step forward—this time, from Down Under. Under the guise of a welfare crackdown, Australia moved 25,000 people onto a cashless card system that restricts non-essential purchases.

Aussie welfare recipients only access to funds is via a cashless debit card


Australia’s government forced thousands of welfare recipients on to Centrelink, a cashless debit card. Under a massive expansion of the plan and new Federal Budget, immigrants have no access to most kinds of welfare for four years after attaining residency. However, the most crucial aspect of Centrelink is Aussies cannot use the cards for gambling, alcohol, or cigarettes. Only necessities like groceries and food can be purchased with the cards.

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