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The Lord Says, “The Hour of My Coming Is at Hand” – Get Ready!


Prophecy: ‘The Hour of My Coming Is at Hand’

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you in this hour:

Wake up. It’s not time to sleep or to slumber, for the greatest hour of power is upon you.


Light is crashing into darkness, and the light will not blend with this darkness but will cause a great separation.

You are either for Me or you are against Me, and the motives of your heart will be clear for all to see.

If you love the ways of this world, the love of My Father is not in you.

You make your decision this day about whom you will follow.

My sheep hear My voice, and the voice of another they will not follow.

No longer will I allow you to hide behind titles and positions; your sins will find you out.

Now is the time to get down on your knees and repent of the darkness you have been harboring within your heart.

Those who repent of their sins are forgiven and set free from them, and those who do not are bound to the chains of their chosen sins.

I am not taking you out of this world, but calling you to let your light so shine within it that they may see your good works and glorify My Father in heaven.

I have been sending you My prophets, and yet many of you refuse to head the message upon their tongue.

The time is ever so short, and I need my people to prepare for My great coming.

Prepare your hearts for all that is about to take place. Do not allow even a bit of leaven to remain. Release yourself from the sin of unbelief.

I am coming for My bride who is without spot or wrinkle.

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