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Is There Hope for This Generation? … Raising Up Godly Parents to Answer The Call


The LORD is CALLING INTERCESSORS to stand in the gap and to powerfully CANCEL OUT THE ENEMY’S PLAN!!!

Is There Hope for This Generation? … Raising Up Godly Parents to Answer The Call

And if you are a Spirit-filled child of God, then every day you, too, have reason for hope …

Gloria Robles with IFA Pray writes:

IMAGE VIA buzzfeednews.com

Lord, raise up parents who will stand up against every threat to children. Refresh every weary intercessor with peace and renewed hope.

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It’s easy to lose hope if you focus only on the negative reports concerning the younger generations. They are being bombarded with anti-biblical teachings at every turn, diabolical lies that affect children as young as elementary-school age. Despite how everything looks, however, I have hope for them, because my hope is in Jesus Christ. And if you are a Spirit-filled child of God, then every day you, too, have reason for hope.

Our children are being actively targeted. A recent dream reinforced this sobering message. In it, I saw also how the Lord is calling intercessors to stand in the gap and to powerfully cancel out the Enemy’s plan.

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