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MURDERED Just Hours After Exposing Secrets About Vaccine – Dr. Noack Is Dead


Just Hours After Publishing This Latest Video About Graphene Oxide and Graphene Hydroxide, He Died Suddenly

MURDERED Just Hours After Exposing Secrets About Vaccine – Dr. Noack Is Dead

Forbidden Knowledge TV reports:

IMAGE VIA globale-evolution.net

On November 18, 2020, well-known German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, Dr Andreas Noack was arrested by an armed police unit in the middle of his YouTube livestream.

On November 26th, 2021, just hours after publishing this latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he died suddenly.

In this video, he reveals that that Dr Pablo Campra Madrid from the University of Almeria had recently done a Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the vaxxine and had discovered that the graphene detected in the vaxx was not graphene oxide (GO) but graphene hydroxide (GHO), which is an extremely stable molecule that is not biodegradable, so it basically stays in your system forever.

This is very bad news for vaxxine recipients, because he describes graphene hydroxide molecules as “the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick…a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.”

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