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Senator Catches Zuckerberg Off Guard Asks Him About His Own Personal Info


Senator Catches Zuckerberg Off Guard Asks Him About His Own Personal Info

PHOTO CREDIT: chieftain.com


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) got into an awkward exchange Tuesday when the senator asked the social media magnate about the potential exposure of his own personal information.

“Would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night?” Durbin asked Zuckerberg during the Senate hearing Tuesday about how Facebook handles its users’ private information.

“Um, uh,” Zuckerberg said, followed by a long pause before he finally answered, “No.”



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“I’m sorry.”

That’s pretty much the summary of Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress yesterday. Facebook’s CEO, who has built his billionaire fortune by harvesting and selling our data, dodged questions and stuck to his carefully coached talking points.1

He made a lot of claims about the things Facebook is going to “do better.” But we don’t need apologies and empty promises. We can’t trust big tech companies, or out of touch politicians who barely understand how the Internet works, to fix this.

That’s why we need a mass uprising of Internet users to hold these companies accountable and demand change. Click here to tell Facebook and all big tech companies to protect our data by committing to the 5 steps outlined in the Security Pledge.

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