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18,000 Kids Disappear from Foster Care, Media Freaks Over 159 Measles Cases

Screenshot - 2_28_2019 , 6_57_06 PM children foster care measles infowars-com

“epidemic”, but they never report on the thousands of kids who go missing everyday in the foster care system … read more here …

Israeli PM Netanyahu To Be Indicted In Corruption Cases, Pending Hearing

netanyahu israel pm indicted - rt-com

… fraud and breach of trust, and the PM will be given the chance to appeal before they are filed …

Veteran “WeBuildTheWall, Inc” Founder Bryan Kolfage Encounters Illegals At Border While Scouting Potential Build Sites

Screenshot - 2_26_2019 , 11_17_27 AM hondurans mexico border kolfage wall

WELCOME TO ETERNAL AFFAIRS MEDIA … Our Website Is BEST Viewed on Computer … Thank You For Visiting Us!!! Please SHARE THE TRUTH!!! Veteran “WeBuildTheWall, Inc” Founder Bryan Kolfage Encounters Illegals At Border While Scouting […]