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Your Router Is Collecting Data. Here’s What to Know, and How to Protect Your Privacy


Fortunately, I have a strong stomach for fine print

Your Router Is Collecting Data. Here’s What to Know, and How to Protect Your Privacy

Ry Crist with CNET reports:

IMAGE VIA securitymagazine.com

Wi-Fi router companies say they don’t track the websites you visit, but all of them collect and share some user data.

Your home’s Wi-Fi router is the central hub of your home network, which means that all of the traffic from all of the Wi-Fi devices under your roof passes through it on its way to the cloud. That’s a lot of data — enough so to make privacy a reasonable point of concern when you’re picking one out.

IMAGE VIA auth0.com

The problem is that it’s next to impossible for the average consumer to glean very much about the privacy practices of the companies that make and sell routers. Data-collection practices are complicated to begin with, and most privacy policies do a poor job of shedding light on them. Working up the will to read through the lengthy legal-speak that fills them is no small task for a single manufacturer, let alone several of them. Even if you make it that far, you’re likely to end up with more questions than answers.

Fortunately, I have a strong stomach for fine print, and after spending the last few years testing and reviewing routers here on CNET, most manufacturers tend to respond to my emails when I have questions. So, I set out to dig into the details of what these routers are doing with your data — here’s what I found.

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