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Humans to be Immortal by 2600 and Time Travel to Raise The Dead ‘Inevitable’ say Experts


Humans to be Immortal by 2600 and Time Travel to Raise The Dead ‘Inevitable’ say Experts

Humans to be Immortal by 2600 and Time Travel to Raise The Dead ‘Inevitable’ say Experts

Alexey Turchin, a “transhumanist” academic, has published an Immortality Roadmap which details how humanity will one day be able to live forever and even bring the dead back to life.

You can’t make this up … DailyStar UK is reporting:

IMAGE VIA homeofthemother.org

Humans may one day be able to live forever and even bring the dead back to life, a “transhumanist” believes.

Alexey Turchin is a Russian academic who has dedicated his work to the pursuit of immortality inspired by the death of a childhood friend when he was only 11.

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