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Guy Shows up in Full BATMAN to help Police in Armed Standoff


Guy Shows up in Full BATMAN to help Police in Armed Standoff

97.1 The Eagle Rocks via kegl.iheart.com reported the following:

I think maybe it’s time for this guy to pump the brakes on his cosplaying.The police in West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada were in a standoff on Saturday. They were outside a house, with their guns drawn, after they got reports of a domestic incident and someone with a gun inside.And as they were setting up . . . BATMAN walked up and offered to help.Seriously. A guy dressed in a full-on Batman costume drove up in a truck with the Batman logo on it, hopped out, and walked up to the cops and offered to help. A neighbor who had been filming got the entire thing on video.The cops told Batman to get the hell out of there and issued a statement reminding people NOT to do what that guy did.Fortunately, the standoff ended peacefully when the cops went inside and found that the person didn’t have a gun after all.



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