Reclaim The Internet From The Prying Hands of The Government, “RESET THE NET” on June 5th
Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing many tips, tricks, tools, software and plugins to help with your internet privacy!!!
Humans are endowed by The CREATOR certain unalienable rights that even the government CANNOT GOVERN! These cannot be taken away & should be the first to fight for.
Over the next few months, I’ll be sharing many tips, tricks, tools, software and plugins to help with your internet privacy!!!
Monsanto needs to do “a better job of communicating” about GMOs. Or maybe Monsanto needs to do a better job of, if not cleaning up its act, at least labeling
The constitution of The United States was formed off the basis of The Magna Carta. This slideshow is an excellent presentation of the magna carta displaying what it stood for.