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RFK Jr: Alex Jones Was Right … Water Supply Turning Kids Into Trannies


According to RFK Jr., he firmly believes that there’s a direct  connection between our water supply and sexual dysphoria

RFK Jr: Alex Jones Was Right … Water Supply Turning Kids Into Trannies

Revolver News reports:


RFK Jr. channeled Alex Jones just the other day in an insightful  interview with Jordan Peterson. In the interview, RFK Jr. discussed the  challenges this nation’s youth are facing. It seems that anxiety has a  chokehold on Generation Z and they’re also burdened with severe mental  health issues, so much so that many are resorting to drastic and  unimaginable measures, such as undergoing significant body mutilation in  order to change genders.

RFK Jr. definitely didn’t hold back  when he discussed what he thinks could be the actual causes behind our  country’s decline, and the first target he identified is our water  supply. According to RFK Jr., he firmly believes that there’s a direct  connection between our water supply and sexual dysphoria.

Remember, RFK Jr. is an environmental  lawyer, and he was actually referring to a study regarding male frogs  and a a common herbicide turning them into females.

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