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Top 15 Products and Services Hit Most by Biden Inflation


Which Products and Services Have Been Hit Worst From Biden’s Inflation Machine?

Top 15 Products and Services Hit Most by Biden Inflation

IMAGE VIA unsplash.com

Here are the top 15 products and services, in order from worst first, that have been hit by the Biden inflation machine

1. Eggs +43%

2. Used cars and trucks +41%

3. Motor fuel +38%

4. Fuel oil and other fuels +33%

5. Lodging away from home +25%

6. Car and truck rental +24%

7. Utility (piped) gas service +24%

8. Beef and veal +16%

9. Motor vehicle parts and equipment +14%

10. Pork +14%

11. Poultry +12.5%

12. New vehicles +12%

13. Fresh fruits +10.5%

14. Coffee +10.5%

15. Fish and seafood +10.5%

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