10 Key Areas Donald Trump Promises To Focus on When Sworn Into Office

by Curtis R Bizelli / Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media
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On November 6, 2016 … just 2 days prior to the most controversial American election in history, Donald Trump sent the following message to his supporters via email. I received one and this what it states. Can we hold him to his promises?
Here are the ten key areas I, [Donald Trump] will focus on when I am sworn into office on January 20, 2017:
- Passing middle class tax relief and tax simplification
- Enacting trade tariffs to discourage offshoring of American jobs
- Expanding energy production, which will spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment
- Providing greater school choice options to families and improving higher education
- Repealing Obamacare and fixing our nation’s health insurance system
- Making childcare and eldercare more affordable
- Ending illegal immigration
- Tackling crime, drugs and violence to fix America’s hardest-hit cities and neighborhoods
- Restoring our military strength, protecting our national security and taking care of our veterans
- Enacting powerful ethics reform to drain the swamp in Washington