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166 Representatives, Re-Open Benghazi Investigation!


This may sound like a silly question, but can House Republican Leaders really conclude a serious investigation of Benghazi without interviewing as many as 30 witnesses of the terror attack?

Atheists Taking Aim At National Motto, “In God We Trust”


Once again, angry atheists are taking aim at our National Motto.
Days ago, the radical Freedom From Religion Foundation, which tries to rid America of any trace of its religious heritage, filed a lawsuit to remove our National Motto – “In God We Trust” – from our currency.
They claim our coins are discriminatory.

Red Alert: GOP Threatens to Subpoena Benghazi Survivors, Help Expose Obama


Obama, the Commander-in-Chief who ‘Watched Them Die’ and then went off to bed, abandoned Stevens and three Americans to slaughter in Benghazi.(Ghost of Benghazi PIC)