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Southeast MO Police Officers Go To Court Over “Bullying”, ACLU Gets Involved ..


“Bullying is never good, but it is especially bad when done by our government and directed at those who might lack the resources to defend their rights,” said Jeffrey A. Mittman, the ACLU of Missouri’s executive director

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Kentucky Residents Startled To Tears Over “Prepare For Action” Cellphone Texts, Low Flying Military Choppers


Kentucky Residents Complain of Low Flying Military Choppers During Government ‘Alert’
Locals flood Sheriff’s Department with complaints after “prepare for action” warning sent to cellphones

Snippets From AMAC Chief: on EBola In The USA!


The Association of Mature American Citizens [https://www.amac.us] is a vibrant, vital and conservative alternative to those organizations, such as AARP, that dominate the choices for mature Americans who want a say in the future of the nation.