Soda Pop Banned in NYC
Ignorance and apathy is allowing more government officials to take unwarranted liberties with our freedoms. Which, if unchecked, will lead to a form of totalitarianism by legislation.
Ignorance and apathy is allowing more government officials to take unwarranted liberties with our freedoms. Which, if unchecked, will lead to a form of totalitarianism by legislation.
The TSA successfully prevented an alleged terrorist from boarding a
JetBlue flight out of Florida on Tuesday. Initial reports describe the
suspect as having curly brown hair, around 33 inches in height and really
into drinking milk from a bottle.
Once upon a time, privacy was not a word that was foreign to the English
language. In that time long ago, police and governments would often have
to manufacture an incident (like 9/11) in order to successfully