BOMBSHELL In Pedogate Scandal: Man By The Name of “Skippy” Involved In Nun’s Murder reports: There are several e-mails of him being referred to as ‘Skippy’. Pedophile code words were also found in his e-mails
The 2020 Election will go down in history as a stain on America. It is clear to anyone with 1/2 a brain that Trump won & Pedo Joe is fraudulent! reports: There are several e-mails of him being referred to as ‘Skippy’. Pedophile code words were also found in his e-mails
page was attempting to buy advertisements targeting Alex Jones and Infowars followers when they were told that audience will no longer be available
Getting the hell out of Dodge While the Getting Is Still Good! (Statute of Limitations?)
Are You Prepared ???