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New Child Protection Bill Bans Bible Camp


Don’t Let the Children Come: Bible Camp Ban Offered as Amendment to Nebraska Child Protection Bill

New Child Protection Bill Bans Bible Camp

Joshua Arnold with The Washington Stand reports:

IMAGE VIA lutherpark.org

Driving kids to Vacation Bible School would become a misdemeanor in Nebraska if a recent proposal by Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt (D) passed into law. Hunt proposed to “amend” a bill that would protect children from adult-themed drag performances (LB371) by striking all the language and replacing it with similar language to bar children from attending a religious indoctrination camp instead.

Hunt’s amendment (AM74), filed on January 23, defined a religious indoctrination camp as “a camp, vacation Bible study, retreat, lock-in, or convention held by a church, youth group, or religious organization for the purpose of indoctrinating children with a specific set of religious beliefs.”

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