Dan provides commentary and analysis on the past week’s “news” stories. And strips out the Fake News so you don’t have to …
We Are The News Now w/Dan Hennen on EA Truth Radio: Project Veritas – 2000 Mules – Pfizer – Ghislaine – Dr. Oz and More
This is Dan‘s LIVE Show from Monday, May 9, 2022.
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Dan provides commentary and analysis on the past week’s “news” stories. And strips out the Fake News so you don’t have to.
Topics this week include:Eric Swalwell; Dr. Oz; Dinesh D’Souza; 2000 Mules Documentary; 80,000 Pfizer Docs; Elon Musk; Trump; Row v Wade “Leak”; Project Veritas; Hunter Biden’s Laptop password; Ghislaine Maxwell and surprise visits to the Ukraine by Jill Biden, Justin Trudeau and U2.
We Are The News Now w/Dan Hennen on EA Truth Radio: Project Veritas - 2000 Mules - Pfizer - Ghislaine - Dr. Oz and More
I’m sorry for getting this published a few days late. My Internet/Wifi was out for a few days, and I’m playing catch up now. Thank you for understanding!!!