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Riot In Tennessee and Lose Your Voting Rights


Riot In Tennessee and Lose Your Voting Rights

Tennessee ramps up punishments for protesters, including loss of voting rights
ACLU tells voters to ‘vote like their rights depend on it’

Now, I will start off by saying that I don’t know if I entirely agree with this. While there should be punishments, …
Today, we give Legislators this type of power, and Tomorrow, we have NONE OF OUR RIGHTS GRANTED TO US BY GOD!

IMAGE VIA sos.tn.gov

FOX News reports:

Tennessee’s Republican governor quietly signed a bill earlier this week creating harsher punishments for protesters, including increased jail time and loss of voting rights.

Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill Thursday revising criminal laws related to peaceful protesting, after months of demonstrations in front of the state Capitol building in Nashville.

The bill, put forward by the state Senate, makes “camping” on state property a criminal offense. Violators would face Class E felony charges, a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days in jail and restitution for any property damage.

Read More at FOX News!

Voting is the most important, basic right enshrined into our U.S. Constitution. I personally believe that the only crimes in which should void these rights are TREASON, SEDITION and crimes related to IMMIGRATION.

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