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AD: Resist Socialism With Defender Gear

Secrets of The NWO: Google Has Bought Motorola … What Does This Mean For Your Privacy?


all of those LIKES, etc. that you give to Facebook is shared with Google and the government. They know everything about you. They WANT (but will not prevail) to Become GODS!

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The Bible Teaches Us to Pray For Our Kings – I’m doing that now more than ever!


If you see a poor person being oppressed by the powerful and justice being miscarried throughout the land, don’t be surprised! For every official is under orders from higher up, and matters of justice …

Top 25 Terms & Names You Need To Know … Directly Relating To NWO


Terms and Names That You Should Familiarize Yourself With … directly relating to NWO. 1. Agenda 21 … READ FULL LIST HERE ONLY!