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Introducing The “Dictator’s” National Convention … Yes!


Looking back to when Barack Obama was first running for president the first time, I knew he wasn’t going to be the answer. I knew he wasn’t going to make any positive changes. That’s just scratching the surface. I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. And then, the question over his birth certificate which still has NOT been solved. There was more uneasiness in the pit of my stomach … then he became president .. more uneasiness because THE AMERICAN PEOPLE “had been deceived”


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4 years later, my friend, I still have that uneasy feeling, especially now that I’ve learned more secret information that most of you wouldn’t believe if I told you. There is a secret elite group of rich families that rule the world and tell the president what to do. With that being said …


The One World Order will come to pass, for its God’s will for this elite to rule for a “short time”. As a matter of fact, there may not be anything we can do to keep Obama from becoming Dictator, but that doesn’t mean we have to vote for THIS DICTATORSHIP. We have another option and he is Mitt Romney. As sad as it is for me to say, Ron Paul just is not going to have the chance due to mainstream media and even his own followers not having confidence in him. Even if Mitt Romney becomes president, the corporate elite will still be ruling behind closed doors, BUT …

Over the past 4 years, the only thing OBAMA has done has illegally ruled in thousands of presidential orders that literally attack our Constitutional Rights being Americans.

It is done, but …

its not over … Tweet this and Share it: “DO NOT VOTE #DictatorNationalConvention #YoutubePolitics @barackobama”

There will be a revolution.

Obama did not only fail in his job, nor only failed of being legal to own the job in the first place, he’s an illegal alien that has declared war on The American People. I don’t know about you, but it won’t happen on my watch.

READ THIS  'The Wandering Evangelist' PREMIERE on EA Truth Radio

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God Bless America ~ Long Live The Republic ~ One Nation Under God ~ UNDIVIDED

~ Biselliano
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