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Davos Attendee Says ‘Quiet Part Out Loud’: Agenda Is To Create A “New World Order”


“I hope this time around, once we’re building this new world order or new rules based order, the voice of the global south and the developing world is included,” said Zardari.

Davos Attendee Says ‘Quiet Part Out Loud’: Agenda Is To Create A “New World Order”

Paul Joseph Watson with Summit News reports:

IMAGE VIA khaleejtimes.com

A Davos speaker explicitly outlined the World Economic Forum’s agenda when he stated that the goal was to create a “new world order.”

The remarks were made during the annual elitist confab yesterday by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“Here at WEF…there’s a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be…how do we work towards that new normative international order that allows us to address our differences and disputes as the civilized world,” said Zardari.

“I believe that at the moment we are in such a hyper partisan, hyper polarized time that we’re not going to be able to form that new Helsinki today, but going forward…we must form and improve our normative and international institutional order internationally so that we can address these complaints,” he added.

“I hope this time around, once we’re building this new world order or new rules based order, the voice of the global south and the developing world is included,” said Zardari.

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