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Gigantic Winter Freeze Making Its Way To America’s & Europe’s Shores


A big winter freeze wave is coming – see my preparedness tips and solutions here …

Gigantic Winter Freeze Making Its Way To America’s & Europe’s Shores

Health Ranger Report writes:

IMAGE VIA nbcnews.com

In early 2021, those of us in Texas survived the Texas freeze-out which obliterated 1) The power grid, 2) Fuel supplies at gas stations, 3) Water pipes, 4) Cell towers, 5) Roads, 6) Grocery stores, 7) 911 services response.

Now another big freeze is looming over North America and parts of Western Europe, expected to plunge temperatures well below the seasonal average beginning around Dec. 22nd in North America.

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Council) is expecting power blackouts across vast regions, including Texas, the Great Lakes and New England.

In today’s coverage, I reveal hard-earned preparedness tips and survival strategies for making it through a total collapse of power, water, food, and cell tower communications.

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